Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Distance v.s Displacement

       Distance and displacement... What do you think these two words mean? Are they the same thing? We'll I'm goin to give you what it means and if they are the same. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ

      What is distance? Distance is the total length traveled from one place to another.  One example in my lab is that the starting point is at zero and ending point is 7 so the distance is 7cm. So distance is the total length traveled. 

       What is displacement? Displacement is the difference of where you started and from where you ended up. There has to be a distance and a direction. An example of this is in my lab which says staring point is 0 and ending point is 5 so the displacement is 5 to the right because the difference between 5 and 0 is 5cm but because it's positive it has to be 5cm to the right. 
      So that is wat distance and displacement are. πŸ“✏️😊
       And sometimes both we'll have the same length and siento es it will be different. 😎

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Barbie Bungee Data EstimatesπŸ”

The drop distance for Barbie would be: 

For 10,20,30  rubber bands.
10 rubber bands- the drop distance would be 130 cm
20 rubber bands- 220 cm
30 rubber bands- 400 cm 

I estimated these drops because I know that 8 rubber bands was 118 cm so then I added a little more cm to each more of rubber bands. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Metric units

I think we use metric units instead of English units because it's easier to use. For example if were using inches to measure somethin and we wanted to turn it to yards we would hav to do so much math to find how much it is in yards. But if we use metric units it's not that hard because for example if we use kilograms we know that's 100 grams and we wanted to make it to milligrams we know we wuld hav to change it to 1000 grams. πŸ˜†πŸ‘Œ

3 examples of metric units is: 

A) 2 liter soda bottle 
B) net weight of cereal- 510 grams 
C) 27 grams of sugar in coconut soda 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Estimating Distances

If you had no ruler how would you measure an object. Well I'm going to measure the front of my house. But I don't have a  ruler at all. So how am I going to measure....
Well here is my procedure...
1) in class I measured how many of my foot make 1 meter (4 of them) 
2) I measure the front of my house 
3) if it's 4 feet that means it's 1 meter 
4) if it's a little more of the foot I just estimate to the closest meter 
    Ok my results are 2.12 meters.
The procedure I did was that I walked four steps which I knew was 1 meter, then I walked another four steps and that makes another meter, then when I kept walking to make the last step it took half my foot.( 1 of my foot was 24cm) so I cut the 24 in half and I got 12 so I just add the 2 meters plus 12 and I got 2.12 meters. 

   Reasonable or Unreasonable?
My results (2.12m) is reasonable because I measured it and I was making sure my measurements were accurate. And also it makes sense because it has to be a little bigger than a meter if it's the front of my house so I need to measure from wall to wall. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Reaction time

 Reaction time is the time someone takes to react to do an action. For example of reaction time is once when I was talking in the phone once in the bathroom and the phone was going to fall in the toilet so I had to react fast to catch the phone so it didn't fall in the toilet. Second, example of my life of reaction time is once the time I had to react when someone was going to throw a ball at me so I could catch it. Another example of reaction time in my life is the time I react to a question someone makes me when I have to answer.