Thursday, December 17, 2015

Elastic Collisions

What is momentum? Well, if u don't know what it is I can explain it to you. Momentum is the force times the speed of an object. And you can compare momentums between objects. 

- What has a greater momentum; a train at stationary or a moving skateboard...

    Of course, the moving skateboard has a greater momentum.  You must be asking " but why if the train weighs more than a skateboard?" Blah blah blah... Yes it's true a train weighs more but in this case when you want to find momentum you need the objects force (kg) times the objects speed (m). So, the train is at rest which isn't moving and the skateboard is moving. So, in this case the skateboard has the most momentum because it's moving a weight. And the train is at rest not moving at all which isn't doing work for train to move its weight. 😃👌🏼✏️

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