Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Interference ๐ŸŒŠ

Do you know what constructive and destructive interference is?  Well if you don't know I can tell you. 

Constructive interference is when the crest of a wave interacts with the crest of another wave to increase the amplitude. 
 Destructive interference is when the crest of a wave interacts with the trough of another wave to decrease the wave. 
As you can see the difference is that constructive interference is for increasing the amplitude and destructive interference is for decreasing the amplitude. 
-an example in my life is;
   When I had a problem and my friend was "helping" me, instead of helping me she said things that made my problem worse. So it decreased the point of me showing I didn't do something wrong. 
-an example of constructive is; 
  When I had a meeting at a school and I had to dress up. Well I put something good on so I could impress them. This increased my image to look good and professional. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

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